How to get the most out of Touristlink

Are you wondering how to get the most out of your Touristlink account? These suggestions apply to both paid and free members.

1. Make sure your profile is completely filled out.. i.e 100%

2. Use good pictures. Your profile picture and cover photos for your business and travel offers are extremely important.

3. Give a good description of yourself and your business. Descriptions should be well written and free of grammatical errors.

4.  Add your travel offers. Make sure to have clear pictures and clearly describe what your offering. The inclusions and exclusions should be clear and your offering should be described in detail. If you have a multi-day offering describe each day in detail.

5. Create multiple photo albums highlighting the region you serve and the your travel services. If you have a hotel add pictures of the outside and the individual rooms. If you are selling a tour add pictures of the tour and your clients on the tours.

6. Get real references and reviews for your profile. If you created fake reviews realize these are easy to spot and can hurt you more than anything.

Here’s a few examples of great profiles… to inspire you.

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