How to Become the Ambassador of Particular Destination?
Ambassadors are local travel experts who can be either the local agent, tour guide, or the traveler who already visited the given destination and wishes to share or help the other travelers or visitors who wanted to travel to the same destination in near future.
Also, it helps highlight your profile to the other member or publicly who visiting the destination page and the visitor will know who they can ask for help.
In order to become the ambassador, you need to create the account on Touristlink and login into your account, and then follow the following process
1. Navigate to the destination
There are 2 ways by which you can go to your desired destination page
a) Click on Explore Touristlink in the header
Then navigate to Destinations which will take you to the listing page of the destinations from there you will go to the destination page for which you want to be the ambassador.
b) Search the destination from the searchbox in the header
After entering the destination name you will get a dropdown list of the destination. Click the destination you want to be ambssador of. It will take you to the detail page of the destination.
2. Move to the Ambassador listing area
Once you are on the detail page of the destination scroll down to be at the Ambassador Section of that listing
3. Click on Make me an Ambassador to be ambassador of that destination
In the Ambassador section click on “Make me an Ambassador!”
Now You are Ambassador of the Destination.