GST Taxes in India
If you have the business operating in India you will be charged a Goods and Services Tax (GST) on all the payment on our website along with the online transaction fee (which is usually 2%).
GST is a dual taxation model where both the Indian states and the Indian central government apply the tax. It consists of 3 types of taxes: central tax, state tax, and integrated tax. Our GST (27AADCH1337F1ZW) location is Maharashtra. Your business location determines which tax will be applied to your payments. The applicable rates are as follows:
Travel Providers with bill-to-address within Maharashtra:-
Central GST (CGST) rate: 9%
State GST (SGST) rate: 9%
Travel Providers with bill-to-address from a state other than Maharashtra:-
Integrated GST (IGST) rate: 18%
If you are receiving services from then your GSTIN will determine which tax is applied to your purchase.
Where to submit GSTIN
You can email us the GSTIN number with the GST certificate at from your registered email address or you can also contact us at +91 932 666 124 for any questions or queries on the same.
You should ensure the address and GSTIN provided are of the location where the services would be received. This means that the GST number should correspond to the state reflecting in the “Bill to” address in your Invoices. If the GSTIN doesn’t match the state of the bill-to address, the GSTIN won’t be displayed on your invoices.